Since I'm reading A Wrinkle In Time I decided to check up on it's author a little bit and I ran into this "writers workshop mp3." I was enthralled with her bold thoughts about truth beyond facts. I highly recommend this encouraging lecture.

Ms. L’Engle begins her talk by asking What is Fantasy? Arguing that we often confuse truth with fact, she says that Fantasy is a way to take us to a truth that exists beyond the realm of fact. Exploring this theme of fantasy, she delves into the relationship of faith and doubt and the nature of truth in a way that is both intimate yet applicable to all
I downloaded it and have listened to a small chunk of it. Very cool stuff.... thanks for the heads up.
If you dig this, I recommend you check out "Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith and Art." Her fiction is amazing, but as a sometimes-artist, this non-fiction work of hers moved me pretty big.
Just wanted to toss it out there, in case you hadn't read it already. It's good stuff.
Thanks for taking the time to send me that quote. It's a good one, and resonated with me a great deal. Thanks much.
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