Into a context steeped this deep in sacred patriotic legalism; Jesus speaks. I think I would be so concerned about not offending people or giving people the impression that I don’t think the Sabbath is valid that I wouldn’t say anything. The pressure doesn’t seem to bother Jesus; in fact he seems mad about the whole thing. Imagine someone today taking a practice that we all hold very dearly and calling it into question. This is what Jesus did; but in calling it into question he reminded them of it’s true meaning. Sabbath is a celebration of life and creation. If certain rules on Sabbath stop someone from entering into new life and new creation (healing) then we have missed the point about Sabbath.
What an amazing thing Jesus was bringing. Once we’ve meditated on that for a while we then have to ask if we will be ask God to use us in being as faith-filled, bold and creative.
1 comment:
...i remember that sabbath was probably one of the things that portions of the 5-alive [books of moses] wouldn't shut up about.
americans could benefit from a sabbath in which they slow down and celebrate life with simplisticy instead of always busying themselves to prove their importance.
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